Saturday, September 29, 2007

Le Jean

Unless I'm mistaken, someone just stole my favorite pair of jeans out of the dryer at the laundromat. Granted, maybe it was foolish of me to leave my clothes unattended for 45 minutes in the thick of the Marais, with two homeless people loitering outside.
I guess my problem is that I just didn't think people did that. It never, ever crossed my mind that anybody in their right mind would care about my clothes. They aren't particularly nice or interesting, and who the hell just walks into a laundromat and digs around in the dryers anyway?
I did the only thing I could do, which was to go back to the laundromat and have some incoherent conversation with a bum who had been sitting there the whole time. He started rambling about the metro and what time it was, and his little sack didn't look big enough to hold any jeans anyway, so I left in despair.
I didn't pay my $1.50 for the metro this morning (my year-long pass is in the mail), so maybe this is karma. Except it came back to me 30X.
What the hell is wrong with the human race?

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