Saturday, December 15, 2007

...Mais Oui

Easy come, easy go, easy come back.
I am apparently back in the "performance" division, as the school secretary told me while I was asking a unrelated question.
Look for the "easy come easy go easy come back easy go again" message next week.

I have had many Alanis Morissette-esque moments in my life thus far, but the biggest one came yesterday. While searching for plastic utensils at Monoprix, I noticed there were plastic forks and spoons, but no knives. Incredulous, I asked a worker if they were actually dumb enough to stock every plastic utensil except knives (I phrased the question slightly more politely)--she responded in the affirmative.
It was like 10,000 spoons when all I needed was a knife.
It wasn't very ironic, it just pissed me off.


Anonymous said...

Joyeux Noel!!

Excusez-moi de vous deranger...I'm a pianist at Ecole Cortot (6th losers' division) and if you'd allow me perhaps you'd so kindly write me at t e r e n c e m u k (ignore the spaces) and I could please ask u a little something about paris/school...

if u'd rather not then all the best for xmas and 2008 anyway, and I won't write again!

ChristineDLyons said...

Happy New Years! Glad to read tht you're getting along just fine out there. Ah... you're in Paris I love it.