Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Ca Suffit!

Note to France:


When I'm starting to agree with the words of devious supervillain Nicolas Sarkozy, something is wrong.

On another note, I woke up this morning to find myself without hot water. While I haven't investigated the cause, I have a sinking suspicion that it was cut off by "EDF," the French utilities.
The reason for this would be simple: when I first signed up with my utilities, I set my monthly payments to be automatically withdrawn from my account, starting on Nov. 14th. I deposited a British check into my account at the beginning of the month, which would involve the apparently ardurous task of converting pounds into Euros.
In a developed country, it would take less than a week to cash the check. But this is Paris. I opened my account over a month ago, and I still don't have a debit card. When I went to the bank and inquired into this yesterday, the woman told me it would be ready in "a week...well, maybe two." Read: "It will be ready when you start coming here every day and harassing me until I finally begrudgingly give you a card to leave me alone."

Apologies for such an acrimonious post, but no metro and no hot water makes Adam grouchy.

1 comment:

Clem's said...

No withdrawal from the government, no ending of the strike. Welcome !

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