Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Du Boulot

Remember the British pub I tried to work at last time I was here? They didn't hire me, and even took the trouble of sending me a formal rejection letter, which was written with more care than the one Northwestern University sent me in 2003.
Well, somebody's come crawling back. And that somebody is me.
I already had an interview for another British pub in Paris a few weeks ago. I botched it. Example:

Interviewer: Now, we're really looking for a social kind of guy, someone who will go out on the floor and get the party started when it gets late.

Me: (stares ahead with blank expression)

Interviewer: Uhh...yes?

Me: Huh? Uh, yeah! Party guy, that's me. Make some noise, yeah! No, seriously, I uh...like people. A lot.

(interviewer hastily scribbles something bad on notepad)

Interviewer: And you have experience in bartending?

Me: (stares ahead with blank expression)

Interviewer: Are you okay?

Anyway, I tried my luck at the one I tried in 2006 with surprising success--I didn't even have to crack out my "true" story of working at Park Bench in Emory Village for a summer and sheepishly admitted that my cocktail-mixing skills were far from Tom Cruise's in "Cocktail."
My boss informed me that some people have "it" or don't, and that he'll often tell trainees to leave after a week if they can't handle the job.
Obviously I have "it," despite Philip's frequent claims to the contrary in these situations.
The uniform requires a pair of tight black pants--I guess they don't actually have to be incredibly tight, but I accidentally bought a size or two too small. It also requires that workers are cleanly shaven or have a full "beard"--I'm still deciding which way to swing this one.
Anyway, if you're down at Bercy Village and you want a flaming Manhattan on the rocks, I am now your man. Ha ha ha! (note: I'm going to work on laughing a lot for my new job, since bartenders always seem to be "peppy.")

I just did another one of those "Epiphany" parties with the cake and the plastic figure inside (my 5th so far). I lost again. This is going to be one hell of a rough year.

1 comment:

MGE said...

you know, these epiphany cakes sound like king cakes at mardi gras, where if you find the baby jesus then you're king for the day. but king cakes are for carnival.