Thursday, January 10, 2008


I have a carte de sejour! I'm legally here!

Note: I realize posting a picture of my personal documents is probably a bad idea. Hence the large gray bars and the subtle changing of "Jaffe" into "Jones." Take that, would-be counterfeiters.

The last leg of this visa process took place a couple days ago with a routine medical exam. The doctor informed me that, while in good health, I was at the limit of being underweight.
Just for the record, here are ten things I would like to eat to gain weight:

1. Mallomars
2. Jack-o-lantern full of sour cream
3. Thin stew of gin and pickles
4. Still-beating lamb heart served in a KFC bucket
5. Croissant filled with my fears and insecurities
6. Four-day old "Big Montana" burger from Arby's
7. Script to the movie "Roadhouse"
8. Giant turkey leg served to me by mysterious pirate who turns out to be Rick Santorum in disguise (wearing pirate costume due to a severe chemical burn)
9. LASER Malt Liquor

10. Mallomars.

I guess I've come a long way since my "deuce" days.

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