Saturday, January 5, 2008


While at a screening of "Singing In the Rain" by myself last night (don't ask), I suddenly realized I was shivering violently. While part of it was clearly due to excitement from watching Gene Kelly tap-dance, I quickly concluded that I had come down with something nasty.
And indeed, I slept twelve hours last night and experienced some of the most insane fever-dreams of my life--something about being in a maze and being chased by the Italian government.
This was the first time I missed living with a host family--the last time I was in Paris and fell ill, my host-mom cooked up a plate of grated carrots and garlic for me as a homeopathic remedy. I ate half of the plate and promptly vomited. But nonetheless, it's always nice to have some sort of company when you're ill. If somebody wants to come bring me a Powerade or a sack of soup, please feel free.

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